Thursday, November 13, 2014

E&E Energy for your workout

Need that extra drive in your workout?

Shockingly, I've been getting up to work out in the mornings.  If you know me, you will know that I am not one to wake up early.  I usually sleep until the last possible minute, roll out of bed, get dressed, brush my teeth and go to work.

I now get up at 4:45 am.... yes, you heard me correctly AM to workout.  The best thing that I have ever purchased is E&E! It seriously wakes me up and gives me that push I need to complete the morning workouts.  I would highly suggest this product.

I had never taken anything like this before workouts and I must admit it does make a big difference.  I really noticed the difference on the T25 workouts that are fast paced! For those of you who don't know about T25 is it's 25 minute workouts at a high intensity. You are moving and groving... jumping in and out, burpees, high knees, punching... you get the idea.  It took me a long time to get used to workouts like this.  It also helps me when I'm doing the 21 Day Fix Workouts, because sometimes I can be a whiny. "UGHHH I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS" or "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE" or "IS IT OVER YET!".  

If you are finding yourself having trouble pushing through a workout I would definitely recommend this product! Not only does it help me get through one workout, it gives me the energy to do a double work out :) 

What are the ingredients in E&E Energy and Endurance?

It features a proprietary blend of:

  • Advanced nitric oxide boosters to help speed more nutrients and oxygen to your muscles for better performance.
  • Natural energizers to help increase energy and focus to maximize your workout. 
  • Amino acids to help promote muscular energy and overall workout performance.
  • Electrolytes to help fight dehydration and support optimal muscle function. 
  • Essential B vitamins to promote a strong metabolism to provide energy so you can burn fat. 
  • Stevia for natural, zero-calorie sweetness.

Two more reasons E&E Energy and Endurance is unlike other pre-workout drinks It contains:

  1. No artificial flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.
  2. No high-risk or untested ingredients.

You can order this product through my website or you can email me at  I'd be happy to talk with you about this product, any other product, or your health and fitness goals!

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