Get Your Stitch Fix Here
I was so excited to try this service I stalked the tracking for three days. I am a creature of habit and I buy the same style and then when I find something I like I buy it in multiple colors. I don't think I'm alone on this. I knew this would get me out of my comfort zone!
So you might be asking yourself, "how do they know what style you like or what size I am?" Well let me tell you friends, you fill out a simple survey online. You fill in your size and what sizes you typically wear. They also show pictures of a bunch of different styles and you let them know if you like them or not. Also, it asks you the price range that you like to spend. So you can put more expensive for work clothes or you can put the cheaper the better for all of them!
Of course when it arrived I threw myself on the floor with the box and ripped it out. Who wouldn't?! It was like Christmas morning.

I got 2 tops, a sweater, cross body purse, and a pair of jeans!
I loved all of them, however since I've been on my weight loss journey I think that I am bigger than I really am. So, sadly, a lot of the clothes were too big. What a bummer because I LOVED it all! I did decide to keep one shirt and the purse. The purse is my favorite color! I got to wear both of them on Saturday when I went to a birthday party.
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