This week I started Insanity Max 30. I'm not going to lie it's literally kicking my butt!! Let's just say yesterday I used shampoo twice and Monday I forgot conditioner. That's real life. So, what is this program that has me so discombobulated you ask?
Insanity Max 30 has 12 workouts in 10 DVD's. The workouts are a mixture of Cardio (duh it's Shaun T) and Tabata style strength routines. These routines will lose weight and tone up! OH! The great thing with these DVD's, unlike many of the other programs you can use the modifier track. This means you can have the modifier on the screen the whole time. Yes, the non modified version is up too!! But, it's awesome because when you feel like you need a break or you need to modify it's available for you. I have been using this feature and love it!
What is Tabata?!?! I didn't know until I started this program, so don't feel silly if you don't know either. I'll tell you what it is... it's a killer. Ok, really it's you workout hard for 20 seconds and then you rest for 10 seconds. In Insanity Max 30 you do three rounds... yes you heard me three. I think Shaun T wanted my arms to fall off or something with the push ups. Although, you have to love him because his arm workouts in this program are hitting all my "trouble areas" or what I like to call my BAT WINGS.
What is the idea behind this program and why do I keep seeing #IMAXEDOUT? I have the answer to this for you. The idea is to push as hard and as long as you can before you lose your form, need a break, need to modify. When you do the program again you see if you can beet your max out time and improve! So, if you are competitive this is the program for you!
Day 1: Was Cardio and I Maxed Out at 8:09. When I graduated from High School I never thought I would have to do suicides again. WRONG. This program has you do suicide BURPEES. Thank goodness my high school field hockey coach did not know anything about this. They are mini suicides. You take 4 steps, set up, burpee, get up 4 steps, set up, burpee! Talk about intense. When I was doing this Shuan T said you're going to want to quit and boy was he right. But he really inspires you to keep on pushing. You do about 5 minutes of exercises. You repeat the rounds 3 times. Then you get a 30 second water break. Which is needed, but don't worry Shaun T is sure to let you know this isn't a coffee break and you have to get right back into it!
Day 2: Tabata Power I maxed out at 6:17. This workout really works on building your muscles. It's all a blur (because you work so hard), but the things I do remember are the pushups and the triceps dips! I know I maxed out before that and I think it was lunge punches --- yes it is exactly how it sounds but jump from lunge to lunge. Modifying is perfect too!
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Day 3: AKA TODAY! Sweat. The name doesn't lie. Yes, I was sweating up a storm. This is a mix between cardio and toning/strength. I maxed out at 9:27 doing squat lunges. My legs were BURNING! I was so exhausted after this 30 minutes. I seriously wanted to stop while doing it, but then when you are like "ok I seriously can't do anymore" Shaun T is like I know you want to stop but you need to dig deeper and then you feel bad. Or he says he is tired and he is going to write his name on the board (aka max out) and take breather for a second so you think ok just take breather and get back in!
Nutrition is KEY! It's not all about working out. Which, I'm great at and the nutrition part is the killer. This program is awesome. Much like the 21 Day Fix (for those Autumn Fans out there) this program is based on portion control! The containers are sold separately from the program. However, Shaun T tells you the correct size (ie. 1/2 cup, 1 cup, 3/4 cup....). You base your meal planning for the week based of the portions you can have of each type of food: protein, veggies, fruit, carbs, fat, seeds/nuts. This is a simplified way to make sure you are eating properly!
The nutrition guide comes with a long list for each category of food. This makes meal planning that much easier. NUTRITION SIMPLIFIED. This is so much different from other programs that tell you some recipes and you should limit this food or eat more of that food. When you read those programs you think... Wait, what am I doing??? This makes it easy. I promise you it is easy to do. Do you want to know the secret to success?? MEAL PLAN. It's a pain in the butt. I know. Believe me. But if you do meal plan you stay on track and don't buy excess food!!
Portion control containers is where it is at! It makes eating right EASY! Your diet is based on NORMAL food -listed in a book (21 Day Fix and Insanity Max 30), but mostly unprocessed foods. However, both of these programs let you have chocolate and wine! Yes, you're eyes are working properly. You can have wine and chocolate, BUT in moderation. It's awesome knowing I don't have to count calories and that I know I need to have more fruit or carbs or veggies in a day. These programs seriously change your relationship with food - that coming from a food lover!